Ongoing pain can be extremely difficult to deal with, not only physically, but also mentally. Dealing with chronic pain as early as possible is imparative.

What is Chronic Pain?

It is a common belief that our tissue heals after an injury, and pain usually goes away. Yet, many Australians experience pain after the healing process is complete. When pain lingers for more than three months, it falls into the category of “Chronic Pain.”

Chronic Pain Explained: 

A common explanation is that chronic pain occurs due to the changes in our nervous system; the pain receptors become more sensitised and keep the nerves firing, signalling pain to the brain.


Factors contributing to chronic pain include stress, anxiety; sleep; diet; and psychological trauma. When dealing with chronic pain, taking a holistic approach to care is essential. How can we achieve this? Practising mindfulness, speaking to a psychologist or developing a regular sleep routine and a healthy diet can promote our physical and mental health.

How to Deal with Chronic Pain

Managing chronic pain effectively involves more than just medical treatments; it requires an integrated approach that encompasses various aspects of your lifestyle and wellbeing.

Here are some practical tips that can help in dealing with chronic pain:

  1. Develop a Multidisciplinary Care Plan: Engage with healthcare professionals like physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, and psychologists to create a comprehensive care plan. This ensures that all aspects of your chronic pain are addressed.
  2. Stay Active: Gentle exercise can be surprisingly effective in managing pain. Activities like walking, swimming, or tailored exercise programs can help maintain mobility and reduce pain intensity.
  3. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga can help manage the psychological aspects of chronic pain. These techniques help to reduce stress and can alter the perception of pain.
  4. Healthy Diet: A balanced diet can aid in overall health and can sometimes reduce inflammation, which might contribute to chronic pain. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet.
  5. Quality Sleep: Poor sleep can exacerbate pain. Establishing a regular sleep routine and creating a restful sleeping environment can improve sleep quality.
  6. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can worsen the symptoms of chronic pain. Ensure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day.
  7. Join Support Groups: Sharing experiences and tips with others who understand what you’re going through can be very helpful. Support groups provide emotional support and practical advice on living with chronic pain.

By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can start dealing with chronic pain and gain more control over your chronic pain, leading to an improved quality of life.

Connect with Connect2Care

At Connect2Care, your health and well-being are our highest priorities. We match you with healthcare professionals who understand the intricacies of chronic pain and are committed to providing empathetic, effective care. Together, we work towards managing your pain and enhancing your overall health. Connect with us today – because your journey to better health and pain relief starts with a simple step.

Joanne’s message:  

“No matter how you choose to approach chronic pain, it is always important to remember that any movement is better than no movement at all.” 

Make the move now! 


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