Our Services

Mobility Assessment

Older adults should go through a mobility assessment as they are more likely to have impaired mobility and fall. Therefore, if you have a loved one who is getting on in age, having them undergo a mobility assessment can be a valuable undertaking.

A mobility assessment can also form part of an Activities of Daily Living (ADL) assessment and a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA). 

At Connect2Care, we understand the importance of a thorough mobility assessment in helping your loved ones live the best life they can. We are passionate about giving accurate mobility assessments to ensure your loved ones have the equipment and assistance they need in their home and lives, so contact us today to arrange an appointment. 

What Our Functional Mobility Assessments Look At

For older participants, we look at gait, strength, and balance as part of a risk assessment for falls and functional declines.

During our mobility assessment, we may use the following tests to identify underlying risk factors that may form part of a more comprehensive assessment:

  • FIM (Functional Independence Measure): The FIM looks at a wide variety of metrics to assess and grade the functional status of a person and can help ascertain the level of assistance needed.
  • Timed Up and Go (TUG) test: This test involves having the participant sit in a chair with a line drawn three metres in front of them. We then record the amount of time it takes for the participant to stand up, walk to the mark, and sit back down.
  • Barthel Index (BI): is used for a functional mobility assessment. We use BI to assess your ability to function independently during your day-to-day activities, looking at things such as your ability to feed, groom, and bathe yourself.

What Happens After the Mobility Assessment?

After completing our mobility assessment, we can help determine if your loved one might be at risk of falls, frailty, or functional decline.

Our mobility assessment will also assist in determining how far they can move. We will also make recommendations for the aids they will need to complete daily tasks, such as walking.

We will assist you in determining how much assistance a caregiver must provide, if any.

At Connect2Care, we ensure you receive the most accurate mobility assessment. We also ensure that our personnel use the proper equipment during the mobility assessment.

Why Choose Connect2Care for Mobility Assessments

At Connect2Care, we are dedicated to empowering our clients to achieve greater independence and quality of life. Understanding and enhancing mobility plays an important role in this journey towards independence, which is why our mobility assessments are a critical component of the comprehensive care we offer.

Our skilled professionals take the time to thoroughly understand each client’s unique mobility challenges and goals. We don’t just assess; we listen, ensuring that the mobility solutions we propose are perfectly aligned with our clients’ needs and lifestyles. Our aim is not to offer one-size-fits-all solutions but to tailor our assessments and subsequent recommendations to fit each individual’s specific requirements.

We adopt a holistic approach to mobility enhancement. Our team of occupational therapists, physiotherapists, allied health assistants, and other specialists work collaboratively to provide a united and comprehensive approach to improving mobility. This multidisciplinary teamwork ensures that all aspects of a client’s mobility and overall health are considered, creating a cohesive plan that addresses each facet of their well-being.

Whether facing short-term mobility challenges or seeking long-term mobility support, our goal is to enhance our client’s ability to move freely and safely, promoting a lifestyle that is not only healthier but more aligned with their personal independence and life goals.

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If you would like to know more about how we can help with fall risk assessments or our other therapies and services,
contact our professional and helpful team today.

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