At Connect2Care, our therapists work hard to expand their knowledge to provide high-quality care to our clients. We’re excited to have two Speech Pathologists on our team who are qualified Orofacial Myologists. Better known as Myofunctional Therapists, Connect2Care has qualified therapists in Western Australia and Victoria.
Myofunctional Therapy focuses on assessing and treating various issues related to the muscles in the mouth and face. It involves targeted exercises to enhance functional muscle use, addressing a wide range of concerns and treatments, including:
  • Assessment of tongue tie
  • Screening for sleep and airway issues
  • Mouth breathing and open mouth posture
  • Breaking thumb-sucking and other oral habits
  • Tongue thrust swallowing
  • Lisps associated with a tongue thrust
  • Chewing difficulties
  • Impacted dentition and post-orthodontic intervention
  • Pain in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
  • Asymmetrical appearance of the face or lips
Our therapists at Connect2Care are dedicated to providing personalised treatment plans tailored to each individual’s needs. We recognise Myofunctional Therapists’ significant role in their invaluable contributions to optimising muscle function and airway health.
Some signs that you or someone you know may benefit from Myofunctional Therapy are:
  • Taking supplementary breaths through their mouth or sounding out of breath when reading aloud.
  • Chapped, dry lips.
  • Daytime sleepiness with dark circles under their eyes.
  • Snoring/audible breathing and/or tooth grinding at night.
  • Recurrent need for grommets and/or nasal sprays.
  • Had adenoids and tonsils removed.
  • History of speech articulation difficulties (i.e., lisps)
  • Previous difficulties latching and the presence of oral ties.
  • Dental crowding or no space between baby teeth.
  • Malocclusions (i.e., open-bite, deep-bite, under-bite, over-jet)
  • Oral habits (i.e., nail-biting, thumb-sucking or prolonged dummy use)
  • Elongated facial features.
  • A small jaw and/or associated pain.
  • Elongated facial features, overactive facial muscles, jaw pain, etc.
  • Attention/concentration/behavioural concerns and anxiety.
If you or a loved one presents with multiple signs from the list above, you may wish to consider Myofunctional Therapy!
For more information, please feel free to reach out to our friendly team.